标准号: q/dnjy1-2007
酒精度数: 40%vol/52%vol各一支
净含量: 500mlx2
原料: 荔枝
存储条件: 常温
饮用建议: 加冰饮用尤佳
简介: “果真烈焰”荔枝烈酒采用中国岭南荔枝佳果为原料,100%纯汁酿造,经多次蒸馏,精勾陈酿而成,是传统工艺与现代化科技的完美成果。 酒体纯净晶莹,果香浓郁典型,浓烈而柔美,清口利唇,收敛甘洌,纯厚悠长,风格独特。 荣获2006年度中国国际葡萄酒烈酒挑战赛金奖。2006年度广东国际酒博会金奖;2007年度第八届中国国际葡萄酒烈酒评酒会金奖;2006年度市科技进步一等奖。 饮用建议:中餐:配汁浓味重的肉类、鱼类; 西餐:餐后直饮 加冰饮用尤佳 “guozhen lichee strong” wine is made lichee , a valuable fruit of south guangdong with perfect combination of traditional techniquemodern sciencetechnology. it is brewed, distilledfermented with 100% lichee juice. on the palate, there is a soft attact but it has full-bodied lichee aromalong, pure taste. and it has clear colourunique style. it won “gold prize” in the china international winespirit challenge 2006the eighth china international winespirit appraising conference; it won “the first place” in the municipal’s progress in sciencetechnology . tips: for chinese dining way, when drinking this wine, better with meatfish of heavyhot taste. for western dining way, can have it after mealsbetter with ice.